Membership payment

  1. Register at the website
    If you receive the error code: “The email you entered is incorrect” your e-mail address is likely already in the system. Try to log in instead. Look for the password in your inbox or spam folder. If you don’t find it, please contact us.
  2. Pay your membership fee:
    A. by swish to Nikolaos Venizelos, (Örebro U., board member). 0704942186
    B. or pay by bank transfer to account: Which bank?? 3768 05 93 590 BIC (SWIFT-address): SE0230000000037680593590 NDEASESS
    C. Currently, you cannot pay by invoice, we are hoping to implement that option in the future.
  3. You will be approved once we have seen your confirmed payment. We will
    approve and add new members on a weekly basis.
  4. Membership registration to FENS will be done by us at the same time
  • Annual membership fee: 400 SEK
  • Five year membership: 1800 SEK
  • Ten year membership: 3000 SEK
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