
The Society’s affairs shall be conducted through a Council. It will consist of:

  • The President, and the President Elect that will be elected by the Society,
  • The council shall consist of a broad representation of neuroscience communities in Sweden with 7 to 11 members.
  • Secretary, and Treasurer will be selected among the council members,
  • The council will decide who will be the SSfN representative at the FENS council.

    The members of Council shall be elected for a three (3) year term. Three council seats will be up for election every year. Previous Council members may be re-elected. Council members shall be elected from a list compiled by a nominating committee or Council by digital ballot. The nominating committee shall
    consider discipline, gender, age, and institution for the election. The top three names of the current council will be replaced or re-elected at the annual meeting

Current council:

Eric Hanse (Gothenburg University)
Per Petersson (Umeå University)
Fredrik Elinder (Linköping University)
Nikolaos Venizelos (Örebro University)
Karima Chergui (Karolinska Institutet)
Jens Hjerling-Leffler (Karolinska Institutet)
Mia Ericson, Secretary (Gothenburg University)
Klas Kullander, President (Uppsala University)
Åsa Konradsson-Geuken, Treasurer, President Elect (Uppsala University)

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